
A convenience utility library to take over the mouse cursor ("pointer lock") in the browser with JavaScript

Sun, Aug 23, 2015 - 10:03pm -- Isaac Sukin

Two years ago when I was writing my book about building 3D browser games, I was spending a lot of time writing first person games in JavaScript. First person games in particular involve a lot of fast, precise motion, which makes "pointer lock" essential. "Pointer lock" is when a program takes over the mouse cursor, tracking mouse movement on its own and displaying its own cursor if needed (usually locked to the middle of the screen, hence the name).

A Detailed Explanation of JavaScript Game Loops and Timing

Sat, Jan 17, 2015 - 10:31pm -- Isaac Sukin

The main loop is a core part of any application in which state changes over time. In games, the main loop is often called the game loop, and it is typically responsible for computing physics and AI as well as drawing the result on the screen. Unfortunately, the vast majority of main loops found online - especially those in JavaScript - are written incorrectly due to timing issues. I should know; I've written my fair share of bad ones. This post aims to show you why many main loops need to be fixed, and how to write a main loop correctly.

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